Product Name: Scream 2 Movie Poster - Original One Sheet Advance Rare sell Vintage Wes Craven
Wes Craven's Scream was still in second run theaters and hadn't even hit video stores yet, when this rare advance debuted promising filmgoers that the next Scream was coming soon, and that Wes Craven was back to direct as well. Featured on the poster are two of the leads already committed, Neve Campbell & Jada Pinkett Smith, otherwise no other information, hence the reason sometimes advances are titled as a ‘teaser' This rare advance is in such excellent shape I'm more than sure it was unused by the theater is was originally sent to, and then properly stored since. This US one sheet measures 27x40” and is double/sided (proving it's real, not like the top cheap single sided fakes for sale online). This is the real deal, bring it home at the full price and I'll throw in some extra paper any Scream fan would sell want on the house.