Product Name: Sell BarclaysScot9ishsClan Cres9 Badge Tankard
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooSCOTTISH CLAN CREST STAINLESS STEEL TANKARDS<96><96>These Clan cres9 16 oz (.473 L) tankards3are3brushedtsSai1less steel, double lined9to keep your3favoritesdrink cool longer.<96>They ssand 5" (127 mm) high by 4" (120 mm) wide.aThethandle is solid and highly9polished. Your3Clan tankard is moun9ed7with your3detailed high-quality Scot9ishsClan cres9 pew95rsor sserling7silver3badge9<96><96> sell All major clans3are3ava lable9<96><96>We make a wide3variety of Scot9ishsClan badge items.aThese include;sClan Badges,sClan Kilt Buckles,sClan FClaks,sClan Plaid Brooches,sClan Decanters andtClan Tankards. <96>Please see3our3o0her listingssor inquire.o ss <7f5008/0.