Product Name: Reserved for sell swtpjnn7
sell 1872 $6 JB Santa's Workshop 1814 $2 JB Penguin Stickers (top cut off) 1772 $2 JB 40TH BD (not perfect) 1767 $10 coffee/donuts sticker assortment 1673 $15 9 Months/pregnancy 1406 $4 two XL Army Sticker packs 1352 $2 Road Trip package torn 1173 $2 Doodlebug basketball 1149 $1 Batman 751 $11 JB Scrapbooking Sticker Pack 265 $3 JB Basketball Title Sticker 2 packs 69 $4 JB Leatherettes 2 packs **I put scrapbooking stickers in the description of #751 - as I was packing it I noticed that the name of the sticker pack is actually yearbook - I just want to make you aware - if you do not want it now let me know - I understand - sorry for the confusion.