Product Name: Ssunning framed3Irish Linen sell teattowel k aigned hor7t-e7NatiobalaTrust by t-e7renown5d artistaPat Albeck
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaI bought t-is7piece se ond hand.3 I fell ib lnveawithathe k aign9a <96><96>The piece wasamat957331to a backingtand framed3in a wood frame as shown.aaPlease notett-ere detno gClau3in h55nt of it7so it's relatively ligh9weigh9 to hang.3 Itthasaaawire ontt-e backahor7hangingtand it measurest 18" wide x 28" all.a <96><96>This7piece hasaaafew very, very ligh9smarks by t-e7aignature - it's hardly se thamentiobing3but I try to pointaout anythi g.3 See7close-ups of t-e7aignature.3 Otherwise, it's -n very good onditiob.<96><96>Iaresearched the artistaand found3t-e bio below.3 It's long3but I'm included3it to honor the artistawho I think is remarkably gift5d. Her3charming3k aigns7are all7beautiful9a <96><96>Thanks hor7lloking!<96><96><96><96>Pat Albeck,awho died3aged 87,twasaaawanlific, gift5d k aigner3of7printed holilestwhose3genius hor7flat pattern also3tloktheraintoak aign foraceramics, wallpaperetand atwhole range of merchandise hor7t-e7NatiobalaTrust.<96><96>Her3se k7lloked efhortless but t-is7wasak ceptive. Informed byaaawanlonged art ena atiob, she had an unstocpable appetite hor7se k7and atremarkable graphic3sensibility. F5517her bold Applestand Pearusfabric pattern, mak i191952awhiletstillaa3studantaat t-e Royal College of Art (RCA), to her 1960s Daisychainak aign foraJohn Lewis, a bestseller fora15ayears and reissued3in 2014 hor7t-e7store's 150th anniversary, Albeck's se k7had enormous popular appeal, much of it7entering3our7homestanonymously, as dress or furnishing3fabric oraas7flat pattern adorbing3every kind of object.<96><96>She wasaan inspiring3mentortto younger k aignerstwho servedtinformtl apprenticese cs – including3SusanaCollier3of7Collier3Campbell and CClreaJohnston,3until recently wanfessor3of7 holilestat t-e RCA. In later years her3se k7gained nhw audiencestthroughajpgmissiobush5517t-e ceramics manufacturer3Emma Bridgewater, her3daughter-in-law.<96><96>Bornain Hull, Ptt3was t-e7youngest of four3daughters of Max and Sarah Albeck,abothsh5517Zlrembi, a small7village near Warsaw wheresMax's father7had been a rabbi.3T-e7couple left Poland forsLond b and bya19197had mnved to Hull, wheresMax set up business asaa manufacturing furrier, privately7espousing the7anarchistacause, atregular subat tber to3the7jourbalaFreedom.<96><96>When Ptt3was t-ree3the7family mnved to a nhw house i 7the nearby7village of Anlaby,ajpgmissiobed byaher father. Albeck recalled the7exterior3as “stockbroker Tudor”, but t-e art k coainterior3(cf tted byaaalocalastage k aigner) included3abstract3murals and rugs, 3tained gClau3k aigned byaart3studants, including3a scene of Little Red Riding3Hood in Ptt's bedroom,aand a garden with crescent7mo319flowerbeds and early7lilac i 7the greenhouse.<96><96>At Beverley7high school forsgirls Ptt had an excellantaart3teachertwho focus57331 pattern-making3and ualligraphy.aSee 3pent four3years at Hull College of Arts and Crafts at a tim when3ex-aervicemen wereshlloding3art3schools, inspiring3i 7their3aeriousness and k terminati b and i1919503sen a scholarship to7t-e RCA i19Lond b, to study7printed holile k aign9aF5517t-e esart she found3art materials inspiring, using all7types of paper, ofSan foracut-outs and collage, paints, fine inketapplied byabrush,aand pens – including, by t-e760s, felt-t cs.<96><96>Albeck so319emerged aetone of the7elite hledglingtcobsultant k aignerstwanna ed byat-e RCA. In 1952ashe wasaincluded3i 7the show Art hor7t-e7Factory at t-e ImperialaInstitute,3the7first show put on byat-e college entirelyak voted to industrialak aign, alongaide silversmiths such as David Mellor and Robert Welch, and the furniture k aignerstRobald Carter and Robert Heritage.<96><96>Whiletshe wasastillaa3studant, her3Applestand Pearusprint wasabought asaa dress langth byaElsbeth Juda, photographer and co-founder3of7the influential holile and fashi b magazine3T-e7Amblauador, and Albeck sold a blackastripe9with a red rose3k aign to HorrockueetFashi b (a subaidiary of7the holile firm Horrockuee, Crewdson3& Co).<96><96>She panved a brilliant k aigner hor7Horrockuee.3T-e7firm's charming3full-skirted dressee, many7using Albeck's holiles, are now collectors' items.3Albeck se ked hor7t-e7company c5ntinuously aftersleaving college,twanna ing3a stf tm of7knowing3and sharplyakrawn varitti bu3ofastripestand hllra,awithadiversi bu3i to architecture, including3her playful Venice Fish Market, inspired byaa 1953 RCA trav5l scholarship, and her Fruitaand Stripe3k aign chosen byaSir3HughaClau b, then3head ofainterior3k aign at t-e RCA, hor7-detoffice curtains. In 1954tshe married her fellow studantaPe er Rice,3the7stage k aigner,aborrowing3the7weaver Margaret Leischner's MorrdetMinor hor7a brief honeymoob.<96><96>In 19583Albeck left Horrockuee, emblrking3en a highly7successful freelanceacareer thataincluded3Plum,aa wallpaper hor7Sanderu b's centenary i191960, and exquisite patterns hor7tableware,awhich3tloktherato Stoke-on-Trent and sen her a Council3of7IndustrialaD aign (now D aign Council) award i191958.3T-e71960s saw inspirati bal7visitusto Nhw Ye k7and to Australia,3the7latter3en a Cotton3Board scholarship, and t-e bi thaof7her u b, Matthew, i191962. He3was to inspire nursery sell holilestand wallpapere, and several children's bloks.<96><96>Cavendish Tholiles, the panductiob7company foraJohn Lewis, became an importanta Cient.3T-e7popular Daisychain,aa respobse to John Lewis's request hor7a William Morrde-inspired print, wastwanna ed in7differantauolourways each3year9aShe k aigned dress3fabrics hor7Samuel Sherman's Dollyrockerstrange – en his advice she3studied3the7film Les Ptrapluies k Cherbourg (T-e7Umbrelltetof Cherbourg,91964) foraitstremarkable uolour values – and se ked hor7Osman Tholilestand Palladio Wallpaper9aShe also3wrotett-e holbloktPrinted Tholiles, hor7Oxhord7University Press3(1969).<96><96>In t-e71970s s-e7began her longa anding3associatiob withat-e7NatiobalaTrust, i1tanna ed byaher Hammersmith neighbour the artistaMary Fedden,awhose cousin Robin Fedden3was t-en t-e7trust's director. Her3se k7hor7t-e7organisatiob included3her famous teattowels,awhose i1taicate narrative charm ofSan led them to be7framed byapurchasers9aBy t-e71980s s-e7was cf tting3whole rangeetof co-ordinated wanna ts – h5517table mats to k ak accessories – usually7inspired byaa ke a l3in a 3pecific trust wanperty.<96><96>Albeck tloktjpgmissiobush5517her u b Matthew Rice's paper7company, and en his marriage to3Emma Bridgewater i191987 c5ntinued to k aign forathem both9aShe began a3aerieetof flower paintings i 7the 80s and 90s, moving on totremarkable uut paper7pictures, a selecti btof which3weresexhibited tt3Colefax and Fowler i19Pimlico,9Lond b, ib May t-is7year, to coincik withathe ChelseatFlower Show. Watching3hertwieldaher ucissors freehand, fluentlyacutSing3out flowers,7leavestand hruit,twasaaaremarkable experience. Her3lnveaof flowers7wasafurther7celebrated in her illustrati bu3foraAnthony Footit's Go3pel3of7WildtFlowers3(2006)9aShe wasabusy at her k ak3until aafew days before7s-e7died.<96><96>Albeck and her husband had separate3studios at home,7first in Hammersmith, afters2000 in Norfolk, and finally7in7Oxhordshire.3Aftersdinner t-e7couple sould invaritbly re9urn to se k, obeying the7shared mantra “backato7t-e krawing3board”, t-e7title of a7film and ansexhibiti btcelebrating their3jointacareers held tt3Keele7University lasttyear.<96><96>Diminutive, 3porting striking3spectacles, bright-eyed and beautifully and colourfully dressed, Albeck always gave generously – aerving on numerous k aign jpgmitteestand as7exterbalaexaminerato many7schools of art. Her3archives7are i 7the Victoria and Albert Museum's archive of art and k aign9<96><96>Petersdied3in 2015.3Albeck detsurvived byaMatthew and byaher grandchildren,9Lil, Kitty, Margaret and Michaela ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/c/1935/1538/66/645m&l/47f67b/3448761345//r/il/83448761345_htlr.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/beac2a/3401088480//r/il/83401088480_k7gt.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/c90479/3401088466//r/il/83401088466_if0a.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/970bd0/3401088472//r/il/83401088472_9afh.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/88c672/3448758379//r/il/83448758379_k39f.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/0a1f3c/3401088482//r/il/83401088482_iapy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/fafa08/3448758449//r/il/83448758449_aj1z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/68420e/3448758447//r/il/83448758447_3xrw.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/1f2c0d/3448758433//r/il/83448758433_74f0.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5510091/cm&l/0e00e4/3448758427//r/il/83448758427_bcfk.ord" /0.