Product Name: Little Twin Stars x Care Bears sell blanket
New Kiki&LalaxCare Bears collaboration blanket from Japan 2014 by SEGA. An amusement prize from SEGA that was not available in stores for direct purchase. It is 60cm by 80cm The picture on tag makes the blanket look pink, but it's really a dark purple background with heart shaped quilting! So cute and vibrant. It has 2 creases across the front from storage. The plastic it was originally kept in this whole time was a bit worn, so it was taken out for photos and inspection before being placed in a durable/resealable plastic bag which is shown in the last slide. The white inner lining is incredibly soft too. a Google translation of the tag is included to show that it indicates the blanket shoudnt be machine washed :o Very hard to come by in any condition! The price reflects rarity and currently the price is firm, so thank you for your understanding about this. Sanrio those characters from Cleveland TCFC Sega SEGAPRIZE SEGAPLAZA vrhtf lts kikirara sell kikilala Kiki lala.